6 jul 2011

Santiago's Biography (Based on The Old Man and The Sea)

written on 2003 by
Irethfrest & Irenegj

Santiago's biography
by: Manolin Castro

Hi, my name is Manollin Castro. I wasn't a really good friend of Santiago, but I offered to tell his true story to you anyway.
Santiago was born in La Havana on February 29 1888; only child of a wealthy family. His father was a dishonest merchantman who sold his products at a very high price and at every corner of the world. His mother was a beautiful young woman who hated fish but loved a fisherman; by the way, that fisherman looked a lot like Santiago.
Anyway, one day his father took him on a trip to Africa to leave some very epensive merchandise fot he poor, miserable people. Then, with the money they had stolen from the poor people, they went on safari. There, he met the lions, and ever sine he had dreamt of them; I think that he fell in love with them.
When he returned to Cuba, he saw a group of fishermen on the shore; since then he decided that that was what he wanted to do for the rest of his life, or at least that was what he told me.
One year later, the African Mafia caught Santiago's father and took away all of his wealth and properties. After that, Santiago left the school and became a Gangster, he also gave himself a piercing and a tatoo in the ankle.
At the age of eighteen his mother threw him out of the house because he was an alcoholic and a drug addict, which is funny because he would have never let me be like that. He established himself on an island near La Havana, there he met a NOT-SO-UGLY woman, her name was Mary... (hell!! I can't remember her last name). Six months lataer he married Mary.
Two years passed, and their second anniversary came In order to celebrate it they sailed on a romantic trip to  sea. They were both standing on the boat because Santiago was reading a confusing Sor Juana's poem to Mary; however she didn't understand it so she took the paper and accidently cut her finger. To clean the wound, Mary put her finger in the water. Santiago told her that she was a stupid woman and that that would attract sharks, but she didn't care and stood up again.
Suddenly a big shadow covered Mary's head, so she turned to see what caused that, then a humongous shark jumped out of the water and ripped her head off. Santiago had a severe trauma and threw the headless body into the sea.
Then, some years later he met me. I was four back then , and he was old already. He told me that he would pay me if I worked for him but he didn't paid me anything, not even a cent. My friends say that I was kind of his slave but I don't quite know the meaning og that word... anyway! he was already a fisherman when I met him, I don't know for how long. He was old and experienced, the only one who cought fish somtimes, and in a day, we caught plenty together. Man, those days were wonderful.
The last year of his life was a sad story. There was a time when he couldn't catch anything, not even a boot, so I left him. I told him that my parents had told me not to be with him, but that was just a lie. One day he left the harbor and said he was going to catch a really ig fish. I wanted to go with him but he didn't let me, so I ran to my house and cried for three days. Some said I missed him, but I did not, I was just angry. Nobody understood me!
When he came back I ran to see him, I was still crying. The stupid old man let the sharks eat the huge fish! I was extemely angry, he seemed very upset and tired though, but I didn't care! I just wanted the bloody fish, saavy? So, I went to help Santiago, or that was what everybody else thought.
When I arrived to his home he was asleep, so I took his old rusted harpoon and stabbed... oops! I missed, and stabbed him, taking away his life. However, I felt guilty, and committed suicide.... wait a minute, if I committed suicide who's writting this bloody letter? Oh, this hurts so bad..... oh no! my mommy is comming! ....hell! I'm done, that's it for me.... hell!! It hurts..... not.....


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